Diarrhea is probably the most well-known symptom for celiac disease. But maybe not for long. There are fascinating findings in this new research that spans 15 years of celiac cases.


83% of people with celiac are undiagnosed. New research suggests celiac screening for at-risk patients may be off some doctors’ radar.


Gluten Freedom. The new book provides reliable information for anyone on their gluten free journey.


It may not be just an IBS diagnosis for some kids. Scientists say kids with IBS carry an increased risk for celiac disease.


Startling new research shows celiac is a worldwide health problem and undiagnosed children may be dying by the thousands.


I’m having a quiet wrestling match in my brain, trying to figure out how Emma could have been glutenized. If you’ve been there, you know you’re filled with questions as to how this could have happened. Or you rationalize other reasons why you might have symptoms. Is it a stomach bug? Nerves, Stress? It’s enough to make you crazy!


Vomiting, diarrhea, that distended belly, fatigue, weak bones, short attention span, difficulty learning, low iron, undiagnosed celiac disease can come out in so many different ways, which is why it can be hard for doctors to pinpoint this diagnosis. It took us three months to get a diagnosis which is good, but for many others it is longer. If you are going through not knowing what’s wrong with you our your child, please read this you may learn alot.


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