We are literally days away from moving our gluten-free daughter to college. There are lots of emotions going on for this Mama Bear. Plus, we explore gluten-free care packages!


In the last few days this has been on my mind. How do our kids handle it when they go away to college and have to be gluten free? No Mom. No Dad. Now’s the time where the rubber meets the road and our kid has to make it happen!

I knew I had to write about this when I read two very opposite stories on Thursday:

University of Wisconsin’s Badger Herald in Madison, Wisc. reported Thursday on how the school’s gluten-free options are improving because of the increase in gluten-free students.


Gluten Free and off to College! Find out the difficulties for U of Minnesota students on a gluten-free diet and how they vow to make change!


Something is rumbling at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities Campus…it may just be the tummies of all of the gluten-free, wheat-free students on campus who right now are apparently not receiving accommodations for their gluten-free diets! But one person could help change that.


Gluten-free food at college, cheap mac and cheese and handling the drama of the holidays– while on a gluten-free diet.


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