Good news for folks who are gluten free without a celiac diagnosis. New research out of Norway could mean a new screening method that actually will detect celiac disease, even if  already on the gluten-free diet.


If we could do something now for celiac research to help get some answers, then maybe we won’t have to worry about celiac in our grandchildren.


Celiac disease genetic testing has been around for years. I didn’t worry about getting tested, I figured I knew what my results would be. But I finally bit the bullet and did it. The results of that test made me a believer that it is crucial in ruling in or ruling out the possibility of celiac disease.


New research looks into why some communities have more childhood celiac cases than others. There are many theories out there.
This study thinks socioeconomic status may be the reason.


Celiac diagnosis guidelines are aimed to help medical professionals, but a new survey says some guidelines aren’t being followed. Some survey respondents surprisingly said they wouldn’t recommend a gluten-free diet as first treatment for celiac.


So many gluten free labeled products are on the market, but how diligent have companies been to make sure they truly are gluten free? A new report out this week looks at what’s accurate, and what’s not.


Just learned you might have celiac? Perhaps your blood test is positive and you need to get an endoscopy and biopsy. Here is what you need to know about the biopsy for celiac disease, from first-hand experience.


3 immediate family members have it, now I am the one getting celiac disease tests. Read along over the next week or so to see what happens during the testing.


New research looks at folks who test positive for a celiac marker but report no symptoms. If you have been around celiac disease enough, you know there are folks who say they never have felt symptoms despite being given a celiac or gluten-free diagnosis. Now research wants to know, whether a gluten-free diet helped these folks


Detecting gluten in our food before we eat it would be great! Read about two options keeping (or will soon keep) celiacs & gluten-sensitive folks safe.


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