We all need to be preparing our gluten free kids for real life. Here are the top 10 goals for raising a celiac child and helping them become a savvy celiac adult.


Did a North Carolina man dupe the gluten-free community into eating his gluteny bread or is he just a victim like everyone else? One of the hot topics in gluten free news this week


General Mills just launched its updated version of its gluten-free website– now it’s called Glutenfreely.com. If you’re gluten free it’s worth a quick look.


Besides being known for Prince, the Mall of America and the Mayo Clinic, Minnesota and it’s people are busily putting out some really good gluten-free products that you may be eating right now. If not, you should get some!


February 2nd, 2011

The Gluten-free diet industry is on its way to becoming a $6 Billion dollar industry says a new survey. Could Gluten-Free Food be the next Yoga?


A delightful surprise for me this weekend when I discovered the new Gluten-Free section at Cub Foods! Expanded, new products, a good look– but there are a few things that still make me cock my head and say…”Really??”


November 29th, 2010

Are you totally sucked into Cyber Monday? Some gluten-free companies are getting in on the deal. While you may not need gluten-free food for gift-giving you may need some supplies for parties and holiday dinners. So now’s the time to stock up!


Tick-tock we are running out of time to get ready for the big Thanksgiving meal. This quick read is for the over-looked items on your Thanksgiving menu or in case you are suddenly snowed-in and can’t travel to get your fab gluten-free Thanksgiving meal — Yes, I live in a state will have snow flying tonight, which sorta prompted this discussion.


Yes, Cub Foods has had a small section of gluten-free foods for some time, but now it appears they’re focused on catering and marketing to our needs a little more with a new gluten-free program. It’s an okay start …but they could do way better.


Become a member or don’t become a member? Usually people who live near a big warehouse club store like Costco or Sam’s Club at some point consider whether they want to join. But if you are gluten-free you have an added question — Is it even worth it now that my food choices are more limited?


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