Home Ec cooking-style class in school is right of passage. After experiencing this first hand, I found doing it gluten free takes time, effort and planning.
Back to school means back to gluten free snacks for our kids’ backpacks or activity bags. Here are some ideas that could inspire you!
Can gluten free food get contaminated when being cooked with gluteny food in the oven? I was asked that question recently and went to an expert for answers.
504 plan and celiac kids. Nearly 3/4 of celiac students don’t have one. So what is it? Should we get one? What does it do? And what should parents put in it? We answer these questions and much more here.
Hovering, micromanaging – call it whatever you like, I can be a helicopter parent when it comes to gluten free.
It’s a fine line between being a hovering parent and mom of an independent gluten-free kid. How we are preparing for a new school and new experiences.
My daughter’s 504 Plan process is complete to get her additional gluten free accommodations at school. See how to do it and how it works for celiac disease.
Setting aside time annually before the new school year to discuss gluten free lunches is important. See what you can do to make this happen at your school.
Well the change is on. My elementary school, gluten-free daughter is moving on — whether I like it or not. Next year she’s off to Middle School, which means a whole different ballgame for me when it comes to lunch.
Needless to say, when Emma rushed into the house and said, “Mom, I just had the best celiac day EVER!” It really piqued my interest! What could it be? A new great lunch at school? A party and someone thought to get gluten-free treats? What?? Tell Me!