If you find it hard to get enough protein in your day, certain gluten free pastas may be the answer to your protein problem.


Can gluten free food get contaminated when being cooked with gluteny food in the oven? I was asked that question recently and went to an expert for answers.


In the last few days this has been on my mind. How do our kids handle it when they go away to college and have to be gluten free? No Mom. No Dad. Now’s the time where the rubber meets the road and our kid has to make it happen!

I knew I had to write about this when I read two very opposite stories on Thursday:

University of Wisconsin’s Badger Herald in Madison, Wisc. reported Thursday on how the school’s gluten-free options are improving because of the increase in gluten-free students.


So we become nutrient deficient when we have undiagnosed celiac disease because our gut can’t absorb nutrients — and then some of us stay nutrient deficient after diagnosis because our gluten-free foods are lacking in fiber, protein and other vitamins and minerals. Right now it’s a cycle that one expert wants to stop.


Most of us have heard of the “classic” symptoms for children with undiagnosed celiac disease — distended belly, diarrhea, vomiting/stomach pain, failure to thrive/weight loss. But this research makes me wonder if our children’s classic symptoms are only considered “classic” because that’s what doctors are told to look for.


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