Diarrhea is probably the most well-known symptom for celiac disease. But maybe not for long. There are fascinating findings in this new research that spans 15 years of celiac cases.
New research about oats and celiac disease. Scientists looked into why oats may cause an immune response in some patients.
A new evaluation of research regarding bone fractures with celiac disease reveals info you should know when you are diagnosed with celiac, plus some questions you can talk to your doctor about, if bone density hasn’t been discussed.
From a vaccine to a pill to better digest gluten– several treatments for celiac are being researched. But another area of research lies in the wheat itself. Could a lower-gluten wheat be possible?
Gluten introduction to infants at risk for celiac is a big question for new parents. New research changes the thinking on the whole process. So what’s a parent to do?
It might give you the creepy-crawlies, but it’s true– new research claims treating celiac with hookworms may be the future! But believe it or not, this is a treatment that we have heard about before….
Aside from the gluten-free diet, there is no other treatment for celiac disease. But new research happening now could help change the future treatment of celiac. Could it help keep us from feeling the effects of getting “glutened”?
3 immediate family members have it, now I am the one getting celiac disease tests. Read along over the next week or so to see what happens during the testing.
New research looks into complicated celiac disease, who gets it and why there is a high mortality rate in some cases.
Could this new technique someday diagnose celiac disease? One researcher tells us how it could get info on our autoimmune disease.