A delightful surprise for me this weekend when I discovered the new Gluten-Free section at Cub Foods! Expanded, new products, a good look– but there are a few things that still make me cock my head and say…”Really??”


Tick-tock we are running out of time to get ready for the big Thanksgiving meal. This quick read is for the over-looked items on your Thanksgiving menu or in case you are suddenly snowed-in and can’t travel to get your fab gluten-free Thanksgiving meal — Yes, I live in a state will have snow flying tonight, which sorta prompted this discussion.


Yet again we find ourselves with another gluten-free “first” on our hands. Tonight our oldest daughter leaves for a weekend church retreat four hours away. No mom nearby to ask questions to. So now what? Time for mom to get the camp prepared and time for Emma to mature a bit in her gluten-free world.


Hosts cooking for gluten-free eaters, please take these tips to heart so your GF guests don’t “white knuckle” it this Thanksgiving. This post is for them and the celiacs who want to drop them a casual hint 🙂


A late-night (or early morning) exploration of a potential cultural clash with the gluten-free diet.


We all are pressed for time — some days more than others, so it is always nice to have a quick gluten-free meal in your back pocket for a day when you only have 10 minutes to cook. Hormel’s got something just for you. But be sure to read the labels carefully!


Thursday will be here before you know it. I am assigned to bake gluten-free pumpkin and apple pies. But do you have all the ingredients you need and are they safe? I’ve got a few reminders so you can save yourself from a last-minute rush to the store.


I know I’m a day late, but this segment was great Wednesday morning. It was a short cooking segment. But I thought it was tightly packed with information on the gluten-free diet and celiac disease.


Enter your gf stuffing recipe in this contest – the winner gets a gluten-free freebie from the Linden Hills Co-op in Minneapolis. Looking for a bread stuffing– like a gluten-free Stove Top. Deadline 9/25!


Families of new celiacs often wonder whether the whole family needs to go gluten-free when one person is diagnosed. This post is to help you come to your own decision – What will work best for your family?


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