New research out today looks at the possibility that the way a baby is born may have an impact on whether they get celiac disease.


Most of us have heard of the “classic” symptoms for children with undiagnosed celiac disease — distended belly, diarrhea, vomiting/stomach pain, failure to thrive/weight loss. But this research makes me wonder if our children’s classic symptoms are only considered “classic” because that’s what doctors are told to look for.


New research aims to help parents and doctors find celiac disease in children by getting the answers to 5 questions. The article published in WebMD: 5 Questions Find Hidden Celiac Disease in Kids. I would retitle it: 5 Questions Find Obvious Celiac Disease in Kids.


The ups and downs, the wins and the losses…9 years of managing the gluten-free lifestyle has made me a different mama than I ever thought I would be. I took some time this weekend to think about some of the emotional moments I endured as my baby was sick, diagnosed and recovered from the dangers of untreated celiac disease.


Do you ever get frustrated that your gluten-free child never seems to be able to have the snack that is distributed during activities? I know in general life isn’t fair, but after a while this focus on a mass-snack that everyone eats after every game gets old when your child can’t eat it most of the time. Recently one of Emma’s coaches had a great idea that resolved this snack issue.


This is the final installment of my discussion with my daughter about growing up gluten-free. This time she looks at how the future could be for kids like her with celiac disease.


Vomiting, diarrhea, that distended belly, fatigue, weak bones, short attention span, difficulty learning, low iron, undiagnosed celiac disease can come out in so many different ways, which is why it can be hard for doctors to pinpoint this diagnosis. It took us three months to get a diagnosis which is good, but for many others it is longer. If you are going through not knowing what’s wrong with you our your child, please read this you may learn alot.


How could pizza put a person in the middle of a parenting dilemma? Well it has. In this case it is about my daughter’s dislike of pizza, and many other common foods. How do I get her to be grateful and respectful when people work hard to accommodate her needs?


A November 2008 medical study reveals the link between early celiac diagnosis and a better quality of life. We rely on doctors to officially make the diagnosis, so what can we do to help?


A diagnosis of celiac disease can be a relief for a parent, but also overwhelming. Here is your survival guide to help you and your child in the first few days.


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