Smartphone app offers a way to search foods for allergen and gluten free status all at one time. Especially if you are managing multiple food allergies in your home, you’ll want to learn more on how this works and if it is for you.
Detecting gluten in our food before we eat it would be great! Read about two options keeping (or will soon keep) celiacs & gluten-sensitive folks safe.
See how your gluten free stories could help others!
New Research: Maybe it is not celiac disease but rather a wheat sensitivity?
A doctor finally speaks my language, a celebrity actually eats gluten-free for a medical reason and the Twin Cities has a few gluten-free things going on these days…it’s all a part of the Little (Gluten-Free) Things we love.
There’s confusion among the general public about the difference between a food allergy and celiac disease. It is something we celiacs have known for a while. Now this discovery is being revealed in a recent survey.
I put my money where my mouth is. I said we should write to our members of Congress about the flaws in the food labeling and testing system revealed by the Chicago Tribune recently. I did just that..writing to both of my Senators on the Agriculture Committee, and asking for help.