Hosts cooking for gluten-free eaters, please take these tips to heart so your GF guests don’t “white knuckle” it this Thanksgiving. This post is for them and the celiacs who want to drop them a casual hint 🙂
11 gluten-free bloggers from across the country, dozens of General Mills employees and contractors and one topic: all things gluten-free. Where would we go with our topics at General Mills? Here are the highlights and experiences — they might surprise you.
Here are a few big nuggets going on in the celiac world: 1. A multi-million dollar donation to study — in part — celiac disease, 2. A new study supporting celiac as the real diagnosis for some IBS patients, and 3. Food allergy conference in the Twin Cities this Saturday.
A doctor finally speaks my language, a celebrity actually eats gluten-free for a medical reason and the Twin Cities has a few gluten-free things going on these days…it’s all a part of the Little (Gluten-Free) Things we love.
Successful gluten-free businesses are suddenly coming to a close — “….the unthinkable happened….Gluten-Free went mainstream,” says one gluten-free business owner in the Twin Cities who’s just days from closing his doors. Is the gluten-free diet trend actually killing some gluten-free businesses?
Yup, the first one ever National Celiac Awareness Day is today. How’d this happen and why do we get our own day? I decide what I’m going to do today, what will you do?
It’s not often we can celebrate having gluten-free store brands available to us. But I’ve got to fill you in on two store-brand finds that will save you money!
Ah how I wish I was made of money! Because that is what it would have taken to try all of the gluten-free goodies at the Minnesota State Fair this year. So many yummy choices! Find out about our experience at the State Fair this year– and there’s still time for you to go too!
The new home for the Minnesota Twins is complete with a gluten-free concession list, with very healthy options. But what about the junk, the fun and kid food? I got some answers on more GF food at Target Field that isn’t on a gluten-free list — yet, but you can eat it NOW!
New research published this week looks at the association between celiac disease and women’s reproductive troubles. Previous estimates believe more than 36,000 American women are infertile because they have undiagnosed celiac disease. The details in this new study are truly interesting.