It’s the Little (Gluten-Free) Things: GF School Lunches, Pizza in Duluth & GF Waffles’ New Look
March 31, 2010 by Amy Leger | G+ Amy LegerA member of Congress from Minnesota appears to be ready to take on Gluten-Free School lunches…Plus new information on gluten-free products — including pizza and waffles!
Taking on Gluten-Free School Lunches
I was just on the Gluten Intolerance Group’s website to get information about the upcoming conference in Minneapolis (June 4-5, 2010), but instead I found something else that really interested me…Here’s what it said:
Calling All Youth!
* Do you follow a gluten-free diet? Can you get a gluten-free meal at school through the school lunch program?
* This is your opportunity to spread the word to Congress that your rights to have a GF school lunch are not being met.
Print this petition and collect signatures of other youth in your area. Send it back to GIG by May 15th. The petitions will be presented to House Representative Betty McCollum at the GIG Annual Education Conference in June.
Well…Rep. Betty McCollum is a Member of Congress from the Minnesota delegation..although not my Representative. How cool is that that she is taking this on! Print up the petition and fill ‘er out! Let’s support this initiative!
Gluten-Free Pizza in Duluth, MN
It has finally happened. Duluth — one of the top vacation places in Minnesota — now has gluten-free pizza available! Bulldog Pizza and Grill in Duluth (up near the University of Minnesota Duluth) now is serving gluten-free pizza. Plus in Esko, just outside of Duluth, Eskomo Pizza Pies is serving gluten-free pizza. The Esko restaurant doesn’t have a website so here’s their contact information: Eskomo Pizza Pies, 48 E Highway 61, Apt 3 Esko, MN 55733, 218-879-6633.
Both locations are purchasing crusts from a gluten-free company, then putting their toppings on it. They do warn that it is a flour-rich environment, as with many pizza places implementing a new gluten-free option, we should always be aware of the possibility of cross contamination. I haven’t had the time to look into how they are doing their best at avoiding cross contamination between ingredients and sauce, so if you go there feel free to comment and let us know!

Van's New Gluten-Free Packaging
Van’s Gluten-Free Waffles
The folks at Van’s Natural Foods emailed me today to let me know that they’ve changed their packaging for gluten-free items — but not the product inside. See the picture to the right of the new style of boxes.
“Gluten-free eaters are incredibly wary of anything indicating a possible product change, with very good reason. We want to reassure Van’s fans that our gluten-free foods are exactly as delicious, healthy and gluten and wheat free as ever. Just in a prettier package.” — Van’s Natural Foods
The change is for the Van’s gluten-free frozen waffles and French toast.
Tags: Betty McCollum, congress, gluten-free, lunch, pizza, restaurant, school, Van's, waffles
August 28th, 2010 at 3:38 pm
Hi, my name is Hayley and my parents own Bulldog Pizza and I also work there. Right now, as far as avoiding cross contamination, all of the gluten-free crusts come pre-made on their own little foil pans and they never leave them throughout the whole process, straight from topping to the oven to the pan (or box if you’re getting delivery or pick-up). We also just started a gluten-free menu which lists all of our gluten free options, including gluten-free bread. I haven’t tried the pizza crusts myself, but all of the feedback that I’ve gotten from customers who have ordered them has been very positive. I think we’re definitely a place to check out.
May 22nd, 2013 at 6:37 pm
The pizza man in duluth has had gluten free pizza for quite a while.