Graduation Day in May

Graduation Day in May

Well, it is just days away, my gluten free daughter, Emma, is headed to college. She has been packing up for the last few days and we leave for Colorado Mesa University in Grand Junction, Colo. on Aug. 12.

Emma graduated in May with her sights set on a nursing degree. While of course I am excited for her new adventure, but I am also sad. I guess those are your  typical “my first child is going off to college” emotions, but I am a little nervous about her gluten free food experience.

Emma has been working on her college food situation (instead of me, thankfully) and has met with the cafeteria supervisors. She learned they have a gluten-free section in the cafeteria with bread and toasters, plus, they said she can to put in her requests with them for her entrees. Let’s be real, despite meeting with the cafeteria supervisors, none of us really know what to expect until she is fully immersed in the experience. We are hoping for the best, but as many of you know and have experienced, Mama Bear is never too far away if the food becomes a huge problem.

Do you have a gluten-free child going to college? Don’t forget, colleges and universities should be helpful in ensuring their students are able to life a healthy life while in school, especially if they are required to live in the dorm and use the food service. Five years ago Lesley University settled with the Department of Justice over a complaint from students saying they were required to pay for a meal plan, but the university didn’t cover their gluten-free diet needs. Back when that settlement happened I interviewed then-president of AHEAD (Association on Higher Education and Disability), Scott Lissner, and he recommended if you don’t feel like you are getting anywhere with the dining hall supervisor, then move on to the college’s disability coordinator.

Gluten free college care packages

University care package request paperwork

University care package request paperwork

A few weeks ago we got a notice in the mail from the school that we could arrange for care packages be sent to her on a semi-regular basis. It’s a fine idea, but if you look at the different packages they include Kellogg’s Pop Tarts, Kit Kats, Oreos and Ritz Bitz. I am not paying for something where my daughter is going to have to give away 75 percent of her care package.

So I’ll likely be putting these together on my own with popcorn, some homemade cookies, cereal and some other goodies in there for her. But if I don’t have time or want to try something new, I found a few options for ordering a package online.

Have you tried any of these care packages? We would love to hear what you think of these opportunities. In the meantime, wish me luck as I hold my tears back this coming weekend as we do the college drop off!

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One Response to “Gluten Free College and Care Packages”

  1. Here are some other ideas….Graze let’s you set a GF option as well on their snack packs. So does Love with Food, Snack Sack, Hey Gluten Free, and Healthy Surprise.

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