2-mile walk is part of the Making Tracks event in the Twin Cities this weekend.

2-mile walk is part of the Making Tracks event in the Twin Cities this weekend.

It is Celiac Disease Awareness month.  If you haven’t had the opportunity to give a shout out to celiac and the gluten-free lifestyle, now’s the time!

We are holding the 13th Annual Making Tracks for Celiacs event in the Twin Cities.  We will  bring awareness to this celiac disease, raise money for research and have GREAT gluten-free food and lots of fun!  Each year this event brings in more than 1,000 runners, walkers, and expo-attendees.

This year we have a 5K walk, 2 mile run, door prizes, silent auction items (including a hockey stick signed by the Minnesota Wild –which is currently in the 2nd round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs) and many gluten-free vendors and foods to sample!  There is always a kids area where they can play games and get their faces painted.  The vendor area will be indoors, rain or shine!

MN Wild-signed stick up for silent auction at Making Tracks for Celiacs May 17!

MN Wild-signed stick is a silent auction item at Making Tracks for Celiacs

Please register and/or donate online until May 15th.  After that date, just plan on registering the day of the event.  There is still time to create your own page and send it out to the world, so they can help you raise money for the Center for Celiac Reserach and Treatment in Boston.  This organization studied how prominent celiac is in the US and found 1 in 133 Americans has celiac (but unfortunately most are still undiagnosed).  Right now they are researching the biomarkers needed to test for gluten sensitivity.  Funds you raise helps keep all of this research going. Click here to learn more on what the CFCR is doing.

2014 Making Tracks for Celiacs t-shirt

2014 Making Tracks for Celiacs t-shirt; available for purchase

Many people say this event is the one to go to.  They love sampling the new products, learning about the local support groups, and meeting other people with celiac disease.  If you are new to celiac or have recently learned about a gluten sensitivity, this is the place for you this Saturday, May 17th.

The event is held at Holy Family Catholic High School in Victoria, Minnesota. You can find out all the times and more details at the website www.twincitiesceliacwalk.org.

*Disclaimer: I have helped coordinate this event all 13 years.  A few of those years I was the lead coordinator.




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