Getting a celiac or gluten free diagnosis can be scary, surprising, dumbfounding and downright frustrating at times. Many of us go through days, weeks and months of feeling uneducated, sad and perhaps even grieving the loss of freedom in your diet.

But there are moments when it starts to get better. We are interested in your story for a 2014 project with The Savvy Celiac. Tell us your story and a moment where it went from the bad to the good; showing the positive outcomes that can happen living the gluten-free lifestyle.

To start, we would like to hear  a quick synopsis of your story (or moment where it went from bad to good) in 150 words or less.  Please give us your contact information as well. This will allow us to chat with you further about your story. Your information will not be given out to any other party.

Thank you so much for taking the time to tell your story and help others with a gluten-free or celiac diagnosis.


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