A doctor finally speaks my language, a celebrity actually eats gluten-free for a medical reason and the Twin Cities has a few gluten-free things going on these days…it’s all a part of the Little (Gluten-Free) Things we love.

Autoimmune Disorders

I was doing some research recently and an article on the Huffington Post caught my eye — a doctor who advocates for treating the cause of your ailment, rather than just the symptoms.  This is essential for celiac disease.  With a statistic of 97% percent of people with celiac disease not knowing it* — clearly many people with symptoms caused by undiagnosed celiac disease are getting treated for something else (Hello– anemia, osteoporosis, liver disorder, infertility, cancer, fatigue, just to name a few).

While I admit his blog post is a bit sales-pitchy for me (and if you don’t like sales-pitchy you may want to steer clear of his website),  but some of what he said resonated with me.  In discussing a recent autoimmune case, he said,

“Except for treating infections with antibiotics and treating trauma, medicine today approaches most disease by suppressing, covering over, blocking, or otherwise interfering with the body’s biology. We generally do not attempt to seriously address the underlying problems that lead to the disease in the first place.” – Dr. Mark Hyman

Exactly. There’s no wonder it takes an average of several years to get diagnosed with celiac disease when many doctors are doing exactly what Dr. Hyman explained.   His case study followed a girl with a severe autoimmune reaction.  By putting her on on a gluten-free diet (among other things), she is feeling much better today.

*Source: University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center

Actress Eats Gluten-Free Because she HAS to!

In a world where gluten-free appears to be the fad diet of the stars for weight loss, actress Dana Delany is now eating gluten-free because her doctor told her to. In a recent issue of Prevention Magazine she is quoted,

“…recently I was told by my endocrinologist that I am gluten intolerant. I’m not supposed to eat bread or pasta, which is really hard when you don’t eat meat. But I’m trying gluten-free pasta, bread. It makes you less bloated and sluggish when you cut it out of your diet.” – Dana Delany, Actress

It’s good to see high profile people learning about gluten-free and doing it for their health.

Another reason to eat Gluten-Free Oats

Prevention‘s website also called attention to the top foods that boost your immunity.  Oats (and barley) were mentioned together.  Well we don’t need the barley…but barring that — here’s what it said about both:

“These grains contain beta-glucan, a type of fiber with antimicrobial and antioxidant capabilities more potent than echinacea, reports a Norwegian study. When animals eat this compound, they’re less likely to contract influenza, herpes, even anthrax; in humans, it boosts immunity, speeds wound healing, and may help antibiotics work better.

Your optimal dose: At least one in your three daily servings of whole grains.”

Sounds like a good reason to buy some gluten-free oats and make some apple crisp, or maybe oatmeal chocolate chip cookies perhaps??

Gluten-Free events & classes

This week I will be teaching a class for people who are just beginning on the gluten-free diet. Going Gluten-Free: From Diagnosis to Action will look at what being gluten-free means, reading labels, eating healthy, and even dealing with the upcoming holidays.  It is a quick overview of management of the gluten-free lifestyle.  It is happening Thursday, October 14, 2010 at the Linden Hills Co-op in Minneapolis.  For more information click here.

The Raising Our Celiac Kids – Twin Cities Chapter will be at the Minnesota Food Allergy Conference on Saturday, November 6th at the University of Minnesota Radisson Hotel.  I will be there volunteering so I invite you to stop by!  The conference happens from 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. I will be there starting at 11:00 a.m.  Click here for more information.

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One Response to “It’s the Little (Gluten-Free) Things: Autoimmune Info, Celebrities, & More Benefits of Oats”

  1. yes, the face that doctors treat the symptoms rather than the cause really annoys me. My wife was “treated” with many different medications for her fibromyalgia for years before she decided to try a gluten-free diet, which has given her quite a bit of relief. Unfortunately, people have to take their health into their own hands and work with their doctors.

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