Review: Schar Gluten Free Rolls

by | G+ Amy Leger

If you’ve been following my blog for the last year, you may know I’ve struggled to find a satisfactory gluten-free bun that in some ways mimic a regular bun.  So Emma and I are constantly on the look-out for new possibilities. The other day we found a “new to us” roll courtesy of Schar, it looked perfect, but many gluten-free breads do — until you taste them.  So how’d this one do?

Schar Gluten-Free Classic White Rolls

Schar Classic White Rolls

Schar Classic White Rolls

We haven’t done much eating of Schar products, in part, because I’m not sure I see it all that often in our stores in Minnesota.  But about a month ago, my daughters and I stopped by our local Rainbow Foods (grocery store owned by Roundy’s).  I always make it a point to stop by their health food section because they were the first big grocery store to start carrying even just a few gluten-free things.

So while shopping we found Schar Classic White Rolls.  They’re in a shelf-stable package so there’s no need for a freezer.  Form and color-wise they couldn’t have looked more perfect. So at around $5 for four rolls, I bought one package.

The rolls ended up coming out on Thanksgiving.  Normally I would never try a roll like this at a big meal, for fear that it was awful.  But my poor sister-in-law tried three times to make a descent loaf of gluten-free bread, and something was going horribly wrong (a blog post for another day).  So I had this package available and we opened them up.

Yes the Rolls Really Look Like this; Courtesy: Schar

Yes the rolls really look like this; Photo Courtesy: Schar

My mom prepped them, but I believe the instructions recommended popping them in the oven for a few minutes.  When they came out they seemed moist and yummy.  I grabbed one little section that was falling off (that’s my story and I’m sticking to it), to taste it. They tasted mighty fine for the product.  But how would my bread expert Emma, my celiac brother (who hasn’t found a gluten-free bread he likes so he just doesn’t eat bread), and my Dad (who’s gluten-free on a trial basis because his doctor recommended it) like them?

Emma thought they were really good and wants to try another one with a burger (when that happens that will be her first hamburger with a bun EVER).  My brother and dad each ate their whole roll and added that they were pretty good.

I personally call this a huge success.   These buns had perfect form, a good taste and texture.  We’ll be buying them again for sure.

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  1. Snowed In-Need Gluten-Free Necessities | The Savvy Celiac

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