Children's Gift Shop with GF Foods

Children's Gift Shop with GF Foods

I love it when I happen upon gluten-free-related stuff in an unexpected place.  When I see it I just get this sense of relief that maybe the general public is really “getting it”.  I’m not sure I would call the Children’s Hospital of Minneapolis “general public” but they’re getting something right that should be noted.

Last week we had to go to the Children’s Hospital for Emma for some blood work.  We were sent into their new wing of the hospital.  We got all checked in, the kids were playing with all the cool kid stuff in the waiting room (and there was a Ms. Pac Man machine for adults) when my hubby decided to go up to the gift shop for a Mountain Dew.

He came back at it was the coolest sight for me…a single serving size of Glutino Pretzels!  I thought that was so awesome (of course I also thought — how can I get myhands on some of those for the celiac fundraiser– but I digress)!  He came in and shared them with the girls and it was fantastic.  Definitely an unexpected and rare treat to find something like that.

He said he found them in a small gluten-free section in the store. Wow!!

And because I’m such a geek, I had to take a picture of it.  Can you imagine how dopey we looked in the gift shop ooing and aweing over the gluten-free section.  And FYI if you thought gluten-free food was already expensive, can you just imagine how expensive convenience gluten-free food is?  I’ll tell you…Glutino wafer crackers were nearly $8 and the price of the single serving bag of pretzels was just over $4.00.  Yowza!

But hey, I would (and did) pay for the convenience on that trip.  And I’m glad to see that they thought that food was important enough to stock!  Yippee!

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