It’s the Little (Gluten-Free) Things: Starbucks, Autism, Tasty Rolls
July 16, 2009 by Amy Leger | G+ Amy LegerStarbucks Discontinuing Gluten-Free Cake
Well that didn’t take long. Not even three months after launching their gluten-free Valencia Orange Cake, Starbucks is discontinuing it. According to a tweet from the company, “We heard that it was too much of a treat, and not a nutritious snack. The [Kind Snacks] bar is replacing it.” Maybe that’s true, but I’m skeptical. Does that answer mean it just wasn’t selling well? I’m not a coffee drinker but on occasion I stop into a local coffee shop to meet with someone. And they all have treats – and these aren’t just “nutritious snacks”.
If you would like to read more about the change—check out Gluten Freeway LA.
Research: Mom’s Celiac May Cause Kid’s Autism
Just a quick note in case you didn’t see this study that published late last week, children of mothers with autoimmune disorders, like celiac disease, have a three times greater risk for Autism.
The study, published in the July 6th online edition of Pediatrics goes on to say that this finding “…reinforces the suggestion that autoimmune processes are connected somehow what the cause of autism and autism spectrum disorder,” said researcher William W. Eaton, chairman of the Department of Mental Health at the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University.
The article goes on to say,
“One reason autoimmune diseases might have a role in autism is genetic, Eaton said. Children who are born underweight or premature are at higher risk for autism, and both of these obstetric problems are associated with disease, he added.”
Overall researchers did say this is no cause for alarm for celiac women wanting to have children, because the majority of women with celiac disease don’t have children with autism. The study just suggests that the immune system should be explored when it comes to finding out what causes autism.
Against the Grain Gourmet Rolls
I tried Against the Grain Gourmet’s Original Rolls for the first time this week and boy they’re yummy! These would be a good roll to try for a sandwich and possibly as a hamburger bun. However keep in mind they have some cheese in them. In fact, I would compare them to a heavier Chebe bread.
I could easily eat these at dinner with just a little butter on them. But I think they would be worth a try with the right sandwich or burger. They were less likely to fall apart on top like the Kinnikinnick hamburger buns (but didn’t have as neutral a flavor). They are pricier though: $7.00+ for four rolls. My 7-year-old and my 10-year-old’s friend thought they were great! My 10-year-old celiac didn’t like the slight cheese flavor.

Inside the Rolls
Their bagels were at our big celiac fundraiser in May and I hear they are really good too. I tried to sample them twice, but got pulled away for something else during the event. For these products, all you need to do is defrost and eat. You don’t HAVE to toast just to make them taste better. The brand is still hard to find, so check out the company’s store locator on their website.
Tags: autism, celiac, gluten-free, roll, Starbucks
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