Ever Feel Like a Celiac Nag?

by | G+ Amy Leger

It sounds harsh, but I’m feeling that way as I write this post. I’m sure you could take the term “celiac nag” in many ways: someone who nags about the gluten-free diet is one thought, but that’s not me in this case. I know someone with a very sick child. I think he has celiac and have shared this with his mother. But how much celiac talk is too much – before you’re considered a celiac nag?

The family is doing many things to get him checked out. Despite a diagnosis of Crohn’s disease and some medicine to help treat it, he continues to have massive stomach pain, fatigue, constipation-diarrhea combo and weight loss. The family hasn’t ruled out celiac disease, but after running several recent tests including a biopsy “during a colonoscopy… at the area where the large and small intestines meet” (because small intestine was too inflamed to get into) the doctor doesn’t think it’s celiac. But honestly can you get a good biopsy sample there? According to the University of Chicago’s Celiac Disease Center, “Biopsy of the small intestine is the only way to diagnose celiac disease.”

I did my best to email this person (twice) and educate her about celiac and do it from the heart. I found that there is a Mayo Clinic not far from her home so she can get a second opinion and explained the range of symptoms. She was receptive to the first email and I have every reason to think she will be receptive to my second one. I just don’t want to NOT say something and have a young teenager go on doubled over in pain when I could have done or said something about it. I just pray that this young man gets the correct diagnosis and starts feeling better.

I am curious what readers think. Have you ever felt torn like this? I would love to hear how you have handled similar situations and walked the fine line of being informative versus a nag.

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2 Responses to “Ever Feel Like a Celiac Nag?”

  1. Great blog and content!

    Thanks for covering all the important celiac news for us, I added your site to my .


  2. I definitely feel like a “celiac nag,” but in a little different way. My father, sister, and neice also have celiac/gluten intolerance, but I am by far the most fastidious about looking up every commercial product, and about cross contamination concerns in the kitchen and at restaurants. I feel like a MAJOR nag when we’re all together.
    Fortunately, though, I have a GREAT family, and we still all love to be together.

    I’m very glad you have persisted with this family. Having seen my own teenage son similarly doubled over in pain, I can’t bring myself to feel like “butting out” would be the kind thing to do. I do appreciate, however, the difficulty in knowing where to draw the line.

    Thanks for a your fabulous blog! I’ve been digging around for about a year and a half, and this is the best I’ve found. Your posts are thoughtful, intelligent, well-researched, and well presented. Bravo!

    (Coon Rapids, MN)

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