Back in October I posted a blog about gluten-free product list application for Smartphones and iPhones.  I posed the question whether the convenience of having the lists, made by Clan Thompson, was worth the cost.  The “apps” had to be updated throughout the year, because ingredients in products keep changing.  As a result, to keep up-to-date, you would have to buy each update that comes out; estimating at a cost of about $60.00- $100 per year, depending on the phone you have.  In my view, the alternative is to use the internet on your phone to look up the product – at no extra charge.

But readers posed a few other questions and comments you might be interested in.

Paolo wrote that he liked the idea of a database on his phone, as long as the “…product lists [are] indexed in a smart and suitable way and the software must be multi-platform (iPhone, MS Mobile, Symbian, etc…).

“It’s better to have the database on [the] device, because often connections (gprs – wifi, etc) are not available on the road.”  But his big question was about getting accurate information, “…that database must be quite often updated…Who can provide reliable updates?”  As an aside — my question here is how do you know the updates are ready?

Then JB chimed in agreeing with Paolo on browser availability on the road, but was still on the fence with the idea of the database offered in this “app”.  He also worries about the updates.  “The cost has never been part of the equation for me – I’m all about real-time information, and it all changes so fast.”

JB also admitted he still uses a very non-technical resource: his handy Triumph dining cards “…so if there’s the slightest doubt that the wait-staff or chef doesn’t have any clue (or there’s a language issue), then I simply hand them the appropriate card.” I think JB is doing a good thing with the combination of technology and good old fashioned paper.  Others also mentioned they still print up necessary information before they go shopping or out to a restaurant.

Only time will tell on the reliability of the updated database.  If you have this gluten-free product list application please send me a comment and tell me what you think and how the updates are going!  Good luck!

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