One area where Emma has still relied on us is regarding gluten free advocacy. That is….until recently when she found her voice.
Most of us have probably experienced one or two weird, ironic, or even just frustrating moments where you realize not everyone “gets” the gluten-free diet. See these crazy examples of gluten-free errors, and then read the tips for gluten free consumers to eat safely.
New seal explaining Mike’s as “crafted to remove gluten” may help shoppers. But do you know the difference between gluten free & gluten removed? Here is additional information on what to look for at the liquor store or when dining out.
General Mills’ gluten free website appears to be fading to black as gluten free becomes more mainstream.
It’s not often we can celebrate having gluten-free store brands available to us. But I’ve got to fill you in on two store-brand finds that will save you money!
I don’t know which one is more emotional for me: the excitement when a new product starts or a new gluten-free friendly store opens or the disappointment when a gluten-free product is discontinued or the store closes. Well the disappointment has set in with a great gluten-free shop — closing it’s doors.
Gluten Free 4 U offers a boutique-style store, without the high prices and with a huge selection of products. The new Woodbury, Minnesota store is open for business. It might be worth a look.